Sunday, February 17, 2008

Greek Gods

1.Zeus - King of the Gods. Zeus was the supreme God and ruler of Olympus. He was married to Hera who was Queen of the Gods. Zeus is known for his thunderbolts which he launched at enemies. His image was on most Greek coins.

2.Ares - God of war. He was not liked by either the Gods or humans. His favourite weapon was the sword although he also liked using spears. In battle he was decisive, determined and fearless although he was very bloodthirsty and impulsive.

3.Apollo - God of the sun. With his chariot he was said to have pulled the sun up at dawn and put the sun down at dusk everyday and night. He was also an athlete and an archer.

4.Hades - God of the Dead and Lord of the Underworld. Very rich on earth, especially with precious metals, but can be deceptive. Has a three headed dog called which he calls Cerberus.

5.Poseidon - God of the sea. Carries a trident and has a dolphin for company. He is also believed to be the force behind earthquakes, an odd expansion of the power of a sea god.

6.Hephaestus - God of fire and metalwork. An ugly blacksmith who lives in a volcano where he makes armour and jewellery for the Gods. He was said to be very creative and cunning.

7.Hera - Queen of the Gods. She was married to Zeus who was King of the Gods. She was said to be the most beautiful of all the goddesses. She was said to be the creator of many wicked and evil creatures responsible for killing lots of innocent people.

8.Aphrodite - Goddess of love. She was a gorgeous and perfect young woman with a beautiful body. She was said to have caused the Trojan War because she gave Prince Paris A Golden Apple which he used to steal(seduce)Helen away from her husband who was king of Sparta.

9.Athena - Goddess of arts. She always wore a helmet and carried shield. She was intelligent and a powerful defender in war but also a potent peacemaker.

10.Artemis - Goddess in charge of the moon and hunting. She always carried her bow which she used to hunt along with her hounds. She was very physically strong and well able to defend herself. She was also defender and guardian of women in childbirth and of wildlife in general.

11.Hestia - Goddess of the home. She is always nearby when there's a sacrifice at an altar and is prayed to before and after meals. She was very calm and gentle.

12.Demeter - Goddess of agriculture. She was often seen carrying wheat or her horn. Demeter controlled the fertility of the earth but was not to be reckoned with.

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